The Main Air

07.02.2021 21:47
|  Society

On February 11, the forum, which will determine the vector of the country's development, will start. It is already clear today: this is a special time for all of us.

07.02.2021 21:38
|  Politics

Cooperation of agro-industrial complex and industry, work on import substitution in order not to depend on supplies of parts from abroad.

07.02.2021 21:29
|  Society

Today, falsifiers actively try to distort the history and diminish the role of the Soviet people in the victory over fascism.

07.02.2021 21:22
|  Society

The defendants in the high-profile case have signed a cooperation agreement. This week it became known that the trial against Belgazprombank top managers will begin on February 17.

31.01.2021 22:35
|  Sport

The best ski acrobats gathered in Raubichi this weekend to compete for World Cup medals. The coronavirus pandemic affected all sporting events in one way or another.

31.01.2021 22:25
|  Society

The epidemiological situation in our country is stabilizing. The number of coronavirus patients is gradually decreasing. Hospitals, which were previously reoriented to accept COVID-infected patients, are returning to their usual mode of operation.

31.01.2021 21:30
|  Society

The discussion of the President with Belarusian students took place last Friday at the Belarusian State University. The students across the country were united by their desire to constructively address the pressing issues.

31.01.2021 21:25
|  Society

A big dialogue on Belarus' development took place all over the country this week. The draft program of social and economic development for five years was discussed in detail.

24.01.2021 22:33
|  Society

The exercise West-2021 will be held on September 10-16 at the training grounds of two countries at once - Belarus and Russia.

24.01.2021 22:12
|  Society

In general, the Fifth Fort was built one hundred and forty years ago and was an indestructible structure. The main attraction for tourists is the underground corridors.

24.01.2021 21:45
|  Economy

Belarus and Russia have always been major trading partners, because of close regional contacts. Of course, people usually remember disputes, but of course they are not comparable in scale to the degree of partnership in mechanical engineering, energy, construction, agro-industrial complex.

24.01.2021 21:44
|  Society

The All-Belarusian People's Assembly is probably the most large-scale platform for discussing the country's development, although those who have been demanding urgent changes for a year, some opposition leaders, have agreed to ignore or, better yet, to discredit the event.

24.01.2021 21:36
|  Society

According to the world practice, medical professionals who are at risk are vaccinated in the first place. The vaccine is distributed according to the applications.

17.01.2021 21:49
|  Society

The young generation already represents such a large creative audience that the International Olympic Committee has taken notice of it as well.

10.01.2021 22:36
|  Economy

The Chinese-Belarusian industrial park Great Stone is a promising platform for innovative products and attracting international capital.

10.01.2021 21:49
|  Society

The beginning of a new year is always marked by many changes in the economy and social sphere. And one of them is also very important for the environment.

10.01.2021 21:09
|  Society

One of the deepest and most important holidays of the church calendar was celebrated this week around the world by Orthodox believers.

03.01.2021 21:36
|  The Main Air

Another good tradition was held before the New Year - presentation of state awards at the Palace of Independence. New records at important enterprises, high expors, Belarusian brands recognizable all over the world - there are people behind every such achievement of the country, their hard labor, striving to do their job better every time and simply doing it well.

03.01.2021 21:25
|  Society

The year 2021 will begin in Belarus with a landmark event: the All-Belarusian Assembly. It will open on February 11. Despite the festive atmosphere of the last week of the year, the President convened a working meeting to discuss the organizational details of preparations for the forum.

03.01.2021 21:07
|  Society

This will be the year of unity, solidarity and mutual understanding of Belarusians united by history, traditions, culture and a common spirit of respect and equality.

03.01.2021 21:02
|  The Main Air

People's health is also of paramount importance for the state, which is why Belarus invested so much in medicine. Alexander Lukashenko visited the Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Children's Oncology in Borovlyany to check the conditions of the center and to support young patients on the eve of the New Year.

27.12.2020 22:00
|  The Main Air

The internal political life of Belarus accelerated so much towards the end of the year that much of its beginning has been forgotten.

27.12.2020 21:34
|  The Main Air

The law enforcement officers began to use a unified information system. It supplies data about the participants in unauthorized actions in real time.

27.12.2020 21:32
|  The Main Air

First of all, this is a high degree of the President's confidence. It requires the highest level of responsibility and professionalism from managers.