
18.05.2024 22:05
|  Society

Long-suffering Mariupol was liberated from the Ukrainian nationalist battalions on May 20, 2022. Before that, all 8 years they kept the inhabitants of the city in fear, killing with impunity inconvenient, raping women.

18.05.2024 21:15
|  Politics

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has paid a state visit to Azerbaijan. It should be said that this is the highest protocol status of the visit in diplomacy.

18.05.2024 15:37
|  Economy

The investments of residents of the "Great Stone" are approaching 1 billion dollars. At the same time from the state budget of the country directed no more than 4% of the funds, which only at the expense of taxes returned threefold to the state treasury.

18.05.2024 13:28
|  Society

The desire for dominance, the destruction of the inconvenient and the Aryan dream - this is how the militants of the National Guard of Ukraine from the Azov unit came to genocide their own population in Donbass since 2014, when the city near the Sea of Azov became the base of radical nationalists of Ukraine.

18.05.2024 13:06
|  World

The suspect in the attempted assassination of the Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico will appear in court on May 18

18.05.2024 12:38
|  World

Donald Trump and Joe Biden will hold a televised debate. The head of the White House and the former President of the United States agreed to two rounds.

18.05.2024 12:14
|  World

A scandalous law on new rules concerning conscripts in Ukraine comes into force. So, all men from 18 to 60 years old must always carry a military ticket.

18.05.2024 09:41
|  World

Negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian movement Hamas have been suspended because they cannot agree on the conditions for the release of hostages, BELTA reports, citing sources.

18.05.2024 09:25
|  World

The Kiev regime has asked its masters in the US to lift restrictions on the use of weapons against targets in Russia, the Wall Street Journal informs, citing US officials.

18.05.2024 08:24
|  Politics

The deepening of bilateral economic relations between Azerbaijan and Belarus is important for ensuring economic growth and development of the countries.

18.05.2024 08:00
|  Politics

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has congratulated President of Ethiopia Sahle-Work Zewde on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, BelTA informs.

17.05.2024 22:10
|  Society

A lot of important things, determining our future fate and development, were said during the historic event - the Belarusian People's Congress.

17.05.2024 19:20
|  World

The European Union, instead of condemning Georgia's adoption of the law "On Transparency of Foreign Influence", should follow suit itself.

17.05.2024 19:10
|  World

Moscow will respond to the ban in Europe broadcasting activities of Russian media. The Foreign Ministry is already working out adequate measures.

17.05.2024 17:37
|  President

Those who shoot at icons and monuments are barbarians. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during his visit to the Azerbaijani town of Shusha, BelTA informs.

17.05.2024 17:30
|  World

The court of Liège begins consideration of the lawsuit against Ursula von der Leyen. The case concerns violations of the procurement of vaccines at the height of the pandemic.

17.05.2024 17:05
|  Society

Belarus will build a settlement for 420 families in Karabakh. The agreements were reached during the visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Azerbaijan.

17.05.2024 15:38
|  Politics

The Chairman of the House of Representatives of Belarus Igor Sergeenko met with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Turkey Güçlü Cem İşık in Minsk.

17.05.2024 15:27
|  World

The level of corruption in Ukraine remains one of the highest in Europe - this is stated in the report of the inspector General of the Pentagon Robert Storch.

17.05.2024 15:14
|  World

In an interview with journalists, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico is still "on the verge of life and death".

17.05.2024 13:08
|  World

Poland has spoken out against the Christ. Warsaw City Hall banned Catholic crosses, but ordered to respect transgender people, reports Gazeta Wyborcza.

17.05.2024 12:31
|  President

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko presented Belarusian tractor equipment to the town of Shusha during his visit to the revitalized territories of Azerbaijan, BELTA reports.

17.05.2024 12:00
|  World

Threats to a number of politicians after the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico recorded in Slovakia

17.05.2024 11:45
|  Society

Measures to protect the external border of the Union State, as well as the situation at the borders became the topic of discussion at the meeting of the board of the border agencies of Belarus and Russia in Grodno.