Visit of President of Belarus to Azerbaijan opens new facets of cooperation between the two states

18 мая 2024

The deepening of bilateral economic relations between Azerbaijan and Belarus is important for ensuring economic growth and development of the countries. According to Azerbaijani political scientist and publicist Ilgar Velizadeh, the state visit of the President of Belarus to Baku opens new facets of interaction between the two states.

Ilgar Velizadeh:

"Belarus occupies the second position after Russia in the list of trade and economic partners of Azerbaijan, with trade turnover between our countries for a very long time amounting to about $0.5 billion. This, of course, is not the limit. We have a lot of such promising projects."

"And today a number of projects in the economic sphere are being implemented, bilateral projects in various fields are gaining momentum: machine building, agriculture," the political scientist said. - And the visit of the President of Belarus to Azerbaijan opens new facets of this cooperation.