
27.02.2024 17:59
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Deputy Head of the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Pavel Khrishenovich explained the procedure for issuing biometric documents at the press conference "Electronic services in Belarus.

27.02.2024 16:30
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Minsk's tourist potential was discussed at a meeting with the capital's tour guides. This year March will be dedicated to industrial tourism, which is of special interest to the city's guests.

26.02.2024 18:05
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Director of the Department of Foreign Economic Activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Yuri Gorelik spoke in Abu Dhabi as an observer at the 13th session of the Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization.

26.02.2024 17:22
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The Electoral Code of Belarus fully ensures the right to free expression of the will of citizens. It was the observance of the national legal framework during the elections that was monitored by CIS observers, said the head of the mission, Sergei Lebedev, during a press conference at the CEC information center.

26.02.2024 15:40
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There were no gross violations and emergencies during the election campaign in Belarus. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the election campaign in the country was calm, law and order was ensured.

26.02.2024 13:45
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The most representative observation mission at the elections in Belarus was a team of experts from the Commonwealth countries.

26.02.2024 02:26
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The CEC has announced the names of candidates who, according to preliminary data, have been elected to the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the eighth convocation.

26.02.2024 02:06
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At a press conference in the information center of the Central Election Commission of Belarus, the CEC specified the preliminary data on voter turnout at the election of deputies.

25.02.2024 23:28
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Calmness, stability, preservation of what we have and development without shocks are necessary today. This was stated by Assistant Chairman of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus, Doctor of Military Sciences Nikolai Buzin in the program.

25.02.2024 23:00
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For the party "Belaya Rus" these elections were the first party exam. This opinion was shared by chairman of the Minsk city branch of the party "Belaya Rus" Andrei Bugrov.

25.02.2024 18:50
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In Belarus, open, free elections are the basis of a stable civil society and sustainable development of the state. This was stated by the head of the Serbian conservative movement "Nashi" Ivan Ivanovic at a press conference in Belgrade in support of Belarus, BelTA reports.

25.02.2024 17:48
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The unified voting day in Belarus is held for the first time, there are new rules by which people cast their vote. What is the efficiency of such "novelties" and how they affect the socio-political life of the country, said political scientist, researcher at the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Alexei Dzermant.

25.02.2024 17:28
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Unanimity, quality organization, high turnout and a wonderful atmosphere. So characterize the single day of voting international observers.

25.02.2024 15:40
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ATN correspondents continue to collect the opinions of experts in the CEC info-center. According to Senator Oleg Rummo, the political culture of Belarusians is growing, and the single day of voting confirms it.

25.02.2024 15:25
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The observers are closely following the election process. According to their assessment, the elections in Belarus are held in accordance with the law and as transparent as possible.

25.02.2024 15:11
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Elections are going on normally, there are no emergency situations. This was stated by the Chairman of the Central Election Commission Igor Karpenko, reports BelTA.

25.02.2024 15:00
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The West does not like the independence of Belarus and its desire to protect its interests. This viewpoint was expressed by an international observer from Italy Matteo Peggio, BelTA informs.

25.02.2024 14:54
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The electoral system of Belarus could be adopted by the West. This point of view was expressed by an international observer from Italy Igor Camilli, BelTA informs.

25.02.2024 12:15
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Some of the most active voters are servicemen. At many polling stations, where people in uniform vote, the turnout in early voting exceeds 40%.

25.02.2024 12:00
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A barrier-free environment has been organized at polling stations in Belarus. The approach is comprehensive: at the entrance ramps and handrails, there are mobile platforms, there are also inclusive elements inside.

25.02.2024 11:00
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Belarusians are entering a new era of the political system of governance. Time demands it. It is necessary to react to the current events and put an effective barrier to unhealthy external influence.

25.02.2024 10:30
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This election campaign noticeably increased political literacy and activity of young people, which is easy to trace and on social networks.

25.02.2024 09:45
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All conditions have been created in Belarus so that every citizen could exercise the right to vote. This is emphasized by observers, who are monitoring the campaign.

25.02.2024 09:30
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Those, for whom the country has become a second home, also come to the polling station in Belarus to fulfill their civic duty.