
13.12.2023 20:30
|  Politics

An example of effective foreign policy and efficiency in making strategic decisions. This is how experts and analysts assess the results of a large international tour of the Belarusian leader.

12.12.2023 22:10
|  Politics

The United Arab Emirates, China, several African countries at once - December turned out to be very busy in the schedule of Alexander Lukashenko and in the international agenda of a number of states.

12.12.2023 21:40
|  Society

In the negotiation process, personal guarantees of the President of Belarus have long been valued much higher than signed framework agreements at the level of various ministries and agencies.

12.12.2023 21:20
|  Society

The European Union wanted to pull up the countries of the African continent, especially the North African countries. "Most African countries cooperated back in the Soviet Union.

11.12.2023 22:20
|  Politics

After the climate summit in Dubai, Alexander Lukashenko went on a working visit to China on December 3 and 4. It turned out to be, it must be said, exemplary: the bilateral meeting lasted three times longer than planned! And the main feature of any meeting between Alexander Lukashenko and Xi Jinping is the format of exclusively friendly communication, which is rare in international protocol.

11.12.2023 09:15
|  Economy

The National Digital Trade Pavilion successfully operates on the largest Chinese marketplaces and provides billion-dollar sales for some manufacturers, said Deputy Director General of the NWO "Industrial Park Development Company" Kirill Koroteev.

09.12.2023 19:36
|  Economy

"Beijing opposes interference in the affairs of Minsk," "China is ready to defend international impartiality and justice together with Belarus," "Together to Create a Community of the Common Destiny of Humanity" - such headlines appeared in the Chinese media after the talks between Alexander Lukashenko and Xi Jinping.

09.12.2023 19:30
|  Economy

The opening of the National Pavilion of Belarus on Chinese e-commerce platforms was aimed at stimulating trade cooperation between the two countries.

09.12.2023 17:43
|  Politics

With the assistance of Belarus, Equatorial Guinea will be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. This was stated by Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Diaspora of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea Simeon Oyono Esono Angue in Malabo, BelTA informs.

09.12.2023 17:32
|  Economy

Belarus and Equatorial Guinea may set up a joint venture to catch fish in the Atlantic. The possible areas of cooperation were discussed at the meeting of Minister of Agriculture and Food Sergei Bartosh with the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of Equatorial Guinea, BELTA reports with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

09.12.2023 11:20
|  Economy

The agreements reached during the current visit of Alexander Lukashenko to Beijing are a powerful signal not only to politicians, but also to business.

08.12.2023 20:15
|  Economy

The East Asian vector of Belarusian attention has been shaping the information agenda of not only the partner countries, but also the world media.

08.12.2023 17:20
|  Society

Belarus offers Russia the supply of modern technologies and equipment for water treatment, water treatment and wastewater disposal, as well as services for the construction and design of facilities in the field of waste management.

08.12.2023 15:50
|  Economy

Issues of economic cooperation were discussed at the CIS Economic Council in Moscow: digitalization, government procurement, reorientation of transport corridors.

08.12.2023 15:30
|  Politics

Good and friendly relations have developed between Belarus and Tajikistan. This was stated by Speaker of the Council of the Republic Natalia Kochanova during a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Belarus Safarzoda Bakhtovar Amirali.

08.12.2023 12:45
|  Economy

Belarus has entered the top five world leaders in milk production per capita. The figure is 853 kg with consumption of 238 kg.

08.12.2023 10:20
|  Politics

New areas of cooperation between Belarus and Vietnam are being discussed today by Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko with his counterpart and the President of Vietnam.

07.12.2023 19:50
|  Economy

Belarusian products are in demand and competitive: this opinion was expressed by the Governor of the Irkutsk region Igor Kobzev today in Brest during the eighth meeting of the working group of Belarus and the Siberian region of Russia.

07.12.2023 19:07
|  Society

Belarus and Vietnam intend to cooperate in the field of nuclear and radiation safety. The parties discussed prospects and plans for cooperation during working meetings, BelTA reports.

07.12.2023 18:43
|  Politics

The Belarusian-Indian business forum will be held on December 12 in Minsk, the National Marketing Center. The National Marketing Center together with the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) will organize the forum to find promising points of mutually beneficial cooperation between the business community of the two countries.

07.12.2023 17:00
|  Economy

Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko discussed new areas of cooperation with Vietnam during his talks with Secretary of the Party Committee of Hung Gien Province Nguyen Huu Nghia, BELTA reports.

07.12.2023 16:00
|  Society

Belarus set a domestic record in sales of new cars for 2023. In November, a little more than 3 thousand cars were sold

06.12.2023 17:20
|  Politics

The negotiating day of the Belarusian government delegation headed by Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko started today in Uzbekistan.

06.12.2023 11:30
|  Economy

In Belarus, the minimum wage will increase. From January 1, its size will amount to Br626 - an increase of Br72. Social orientation is still in the priority of the state policy.