
05.12.2023 18:15
|  Society

The level of well-being of Belarusians is growing. This conclusion is convincingly confirmed by the results of the research of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy on the achievements of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus over the past 30 years, writes BELTA.

05.12.2023 14:00
|  Economy

In Belarus, the high growth rates of wages is retained, according to the regular review of the Eurasian Development Bank (EBRD).

04.12.2023 16:55
|  Economy

New investment projects appear in the agro-industrial complex of Minsk Region. The most advanced Belarusian line for the production of pasta products will open in Borisov by the end of the year will start working.

04.12.2023 13:45
|  Politics

All big agreements on cooperation with China should be transformed into specific projects. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting with Hao Ping, Deputy Chairman of the International Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress of China, BELTA reports.

03.12.2023 22:24
|  Society

The Union State agenda was discussed during the week. The Belarusian delegation worked in the Leningrad Region. Our country is the number one partner for this Russian region.

03.12.2023 22:01
|  Society

Leningrad Region received the first food wheat thanks to Belarusian seeds in 2023, said Oleg Malashchenko, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Leningrad Region of Russia.

01.12.2023 17:50
|  Economy

NAS of Belarus and Sudan will develop scientific and technical cooperation, primarily in the field of agricultural production, animal husbandry and mineral processing.

01.12.2023 14:40
|  Politics

Belarus and Kenya need to build a plan for the development of bilateral cooperation. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during his talks with President of Kenya William Ruto in Dubai on the margins of the World Summit on Climate Change, BelTA informs.

01.12.2023 14:22
|  Economy

Belarus and Zimbabwe have achieved certain results, and now the main thing is not to stop. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko during his talks with President of Zimbabwe Emmerson Mnangagwa in Dubai on the margins of the World Summit on Climate Change, BelTA informs.

01.12.2023 13:30
|  Economy

Belarus needs to develop its own port infrastructure under the sanctions. This was stated by Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration Maxim Yermolovich.

30.11.2023 11:15
|  Economy

The export of the Belarusian timber continues to grow. According to the results of October, Belarus has generally reached a historical maximum in the supply of sawn timber - about 90 thousand cubic meters, states the Ministry of Forestry.

30.11.2023 10:22
|  Economy

Two more Belarusian companies are registered at Great Stone industrial park as its residents. It is noted that their projects of import-substituting nature are innovative for our country.

29.11.2023 21:50
|  Economy

Belarusian tractors work in the fields of Venezuela, BELAZs "work" in the Urals. Potash, oil products, textiles, wood, food products are exported to many countries of the world.

29.11.2023 16:30
|  Economy

More than 90% of the measures for the implementation of 28 joint programs have been implemented. This was announced today in Moscow at the Union Council of Ministers.

29.11.2023 15:30
|  Economy

The use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. A meeting of the Commission of the CIS member states was held today at BelNPP.

29.11.2023 14:15
|  Economy

BELAZ dump trucks in South Siberia transported record tons of coal. Coal miners of the youngest open-pit mine in Khakassia have reached the milestone of 10 million tons in just 5 years since the start of coal seam development, which is a record for such a short period of mining.

29.11.2023 09:20
|  Economy

Belarus and the Republic of Mari El signed an agreement on cooperation. On the eve of the meeting of the head of the republic with the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of our country took place in Moscow.

28.11.2023 22:09
|  Politics

Belarus is ready to work more actively with Venezuela. This country has been and remains an important partner for us in Latin America.

28.11.2023 17:00
|  Economy

Eurasian Development Bank notes a steady growth of the Belarusian economy - by 3.8% in January-October (after 3.5% in January-September).

28.11.2023 16:00
|  Society

One of the largest Russian marketplaces will build the country's largest logistics center in Great Stone. The contract of sale and purchase of a land plot of more than 27 hectares was signed during the Belarusian Investment Forum in Moscow.

28.11.2023 12:00
|  Society

Belarus is expanding its partnership with the countries of the far arc. India is another promising state to promote our exports in this direction.

28.11.2023 11:50
|  Economy

Belarus is interested in the resumption of the assembly of equipment in Venezuela as soon as possible. This was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Parkhomchik during the plenary session of the Belarusian-Venezuelan joint commission on trade and economic cooperation, reports BelTA.

28.11.2023 11:00
|  Economy

Belarus is increasing the volume of exchange trade with China - for 10 months the sums of transactions have more than doubled and amounted to almost 60 million dollars.

27.11.2023 19:10
|  Politics

President of Belarus held a meeting with the leadership of the Government, the President’s Executive Office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.