President of Belarus urged the new executives to work seriously and responsibly to create true democracy in their teams

4 апреля 2024

President Alexander Lukashenko is urging officials for productive and challenging work in the interests of the country. A number of personnel decisions have been made today.

The local vertical of power, the management of individual banks and concerns have been renewed. All managers are experienced. The President asked uncomfortable questions. As for the executive branch, the appointees should understand the specifics of working with people and solve everyday problems in the regions even ahead of time.

The head of state warned the new heads of the local vertical that they will have to work in difficult times, and it may not be as comfortable and interesting as in their previous positions: "There is no more interesting work than the head of an agricultural enterprise. I have never had it in my life. Now it is a bit more difficult for you than it was in those times, on the one hand. On the other hand, it is more interesting. Everything depends on you. If you earn money, spend it. And we do not abandon agrarians. The work is the most interesting. And don't think that you will have a more interesting job. Times are difficult, and you have agreed to head the relevant areas."

The President emphasized that discipline and order must be maintained