Pilot census-2019 held in Belarus

16 октября 2017

By Antonina Stankevich: Preliminary results of the pilot census-2019 in Molodechno district were announced today. 49 questions were answered by more than 14.5 thousand residents of cities and rural areas.

The pilot census lasted for two weeks. Molodechno and the Molodechno region were not chosen by chance. This area is a kind of training ground where all categories of the population are represented.

During the pilot census Belarusians were asked to answer 49 questions: including those on gender, age, sources of income. Experts do not need passport details and even the surname of a person: only a name is required. The survey is completely anonymous and is only needed for the dry statistics. For the first time, the census is conducted with the help of electronic gadgets.

According to the UN recommendations, the census is held in Belarus once in 10 years. General census will be held in Belarus in two years.