07.09.2018 15:39
|  Society

The capital's streets have been decorated with colorful banners. Tomorrow festive events will unfold in all areas of the city. The program includes more than fifty events with concerts, festivals, sports, creative workshops and knight tournaments.

The main creative platform of the holiday will be the Trinity Suburb. A city of masters will unfold here. All guests will be able to try themselves in the role of artisans during specially organized workshops.

The capital's streets will turn into a big holiday area tomorrow. Ceremonies will begin in the morning with the laying of flowers to the monument Minsk - Hero City.

The territory at the Sports Palace will be the sports scene. Tournaments among rescue workers and athletes, rowing competitions, streetball, marathon of skaters will be held there. The events will be accompanied with a music program.

A family holiday will take place in the Upper Town. Contests will be organized for children and parents. 9 young couples will become families there in a festive atmosphere.

The city day will end with a music and fireworks show. It will take place near the Palace of Sports.

Thousands of runners will run a half marathon on Sunday. 

07.09.2018 15:29
|  Culture

The Day of Italy will be held this Sunday in the Upper Town of Minsk on a grand scale: with Italian food, music, dances and numerous surprises. Young talent Raffaele Papadia and headliner of the holiday Matthew Lee will perform on the main stage of the Upper Town.

The holiday of friendship Italy - Belarus will be held in Minsk for the third time.

06.09.2018 15:27
|  Culture

An exhibition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the partnership between Belarus and Ecuador is held in the capital

06.09.2018 15:21
|  Economy

Exports of goods and services increased by almost 30% in the last seven months. The main markets are Russia, Ukraine and Latvia.

06.09.2018 15:18
|  Economy

Machine builders of Minsk and Minsk region present their original equipment and enter new markets. The supply of MAZ to Africa will grow by 15%, and BelAZ is working on the market of Latin America.

05.09.2018 15:19
|  Economy

Minsk region has started implementation of one of the largest projects in Belarus in the agro-industrial complex. Plants to produce amino acids, as well as feed and feed additives will be built in Pukhovichi district.

04.09.2018 18:13
|  Economy

A roadmap on trade, economic, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation will be signed for the next three years. In addition to business forums and exhibitions with participation of forty industrial enterprises of Minsk, cultural and sporting events will be held.

31.08.2018 15:23
|  Economy

200 million dollars of foreign investments have been attracted to the industry of the Minsk region since the beginning of the year.

28.08.2018 18:09
|  Culture

The purpose of this large-scale project is to present the cultural heritage of Belarus to a wide audience. On the eve of the Day of Knowledge, the National Library of Belarus presents the first Primer.

24.08.2018 15:27
|  Society

Over 5 thousand kilometers and 7 countries on the route. And it's not just a sports challenge Jonas Berto is visiting the places of military glory of the legendary Normandie-Niemen air regiment, the only foreign unit in the Red Army.

24.08.2018 14:59
|  Economy

This year the enterprise more than half increased deliveries in comparison with the last year. Among the new foreign economic directions is the Chinese market, where BelAZ products were not supplied for several years.

17.08.2018 15:15
|  Economy

Belaruskali increases the output of new products for export and expects a positive effect fr om the mining and processing plant in Petrikov.

16.08.2018 18:04
|  Society

Even more students from China will be able to visit our country for rehabilitation or education. This was reported today at a meeting of Minister of Education of Belarus Igor Karpenko and Chinese Ambassador Cui Qiming with young Chinese tourists.

15.08.2018 15:21
|  Society

Excursions, a medical program and master classes will be held for them. Thus, a group of young tourists from Beijing are getting acquainted with the traditions and culture of our country.

15.08.2018 15:19
|  Economy

Businessmen from Jiangsu are interested in investing in the construction of a pig-breeding farm and a feed mill in Borisov district.

15.08.2018 15:15
|  Economy

Over 90 percent of the area has been harvested! Nesvizh, Kletsk and Logoisk districts have already completed the campaign.

14.08.2018 15:26
|  Society

Over one hundred children from China have come to Minsk region on vacation. Pupils from Beijing will have a rest near Lake Naroch.

10.08.2018 15:35
|  Economy

About 5% of the area is harvested daily, more than 75% of the campaign has already been completed. 1.136 million tons have been threshed.

09.08.2018 15:28
|  Sport

The championship was held in Norway, it was attended by 123 loggers from 27 countries. Loggers from Kletsk, Smolevichi, Vileyka and Berezino won the team competition.

08.08.2018 18:02
|  Society

Perspective directions for cooperation between the two regions were discussed today by the heads of the Minsk and Tashkent regions.

06.08.2018 18:03
|  Society

More than fifty schoolchildren from Japan have a rest at the health center Zubrenok. Sports and cultural events, as well as comprehensive medical examination will be held for them.

06.08.2018 18:00
|  Economy

Two districts have reached the amount of one hundred thousand tons - Nesvizh and Slutsk districts. The work on the fields is proceeding systematically, about five percent of the area is harvested every day.

03.08.2018 15:18
|  Sport

This relatively new game appeared in Poland in the late 50th. It is similar to pioneer-ball, but players throw a rubber ring instead of a ball.

02.08.2018 15:34
|  Sport

An amateur tournament brought together almost fifty people. Representatives of Belteleradiocompany competed for the title of the winner within the framework of the project Bright Team.

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