31.01.2019 15:21
|  Culture

Leading master of the Belarusian ballet scene Japanese Takatoshi Machiyama wins the hearts of the Belarusian public. His creative repertoire includes 26 parties, numerous international victories and ballet direction.

31.01.2019 15:19
|  Economy

The machine-building enterprises of the capital are expanding their interests in Africa and Latin America. Minsk Automobile Plant can create assembly plants in Algeria and Nigeria.

28.01.2019 19:12
|  Sport

The sculptors have created the logo of the Games and the two-meter Lesik, the forum's mascot. The process took more than two weeks.

28.01.2019 15:33
|  Society

Almost a hundred teams from all over the country took part in it. The participants had five hours to take pictures of as many different types of birds as possible.

25.01.2019 15:19
|  Society

Belarusian scientists receive congratulations on the occasion of the professional holiday and present their achievements

23.01.2019 15:28
|  Society

A new collection of watches with the symbols of the II European Games will be released at the Minsk Watch Factory at the start of the competitions.

22.01.2019 15:35
|  Culture

China’s path to one of the most developed countries in the world is presented at a photo exhibition in the House of Friendship.

21.01.2019 15:00
|  Sport

The European Championship in figure skating has started in Minsk-Arena today. Belarus hosts this large-scale forum for the first time.

18.01.2019 18:21
|  Society

The International Charity Marathon Kilometers of Kindness finished today in the Belarusian Children's Hospice. The unusual sports movement started in China.

17.01.2019 15:20
|  Society

40 projects were presented today by Minsk students at the city stage of the competition 100 Ideas For Belarus. Among the projects are a mobile navigator for people with disabilities, a home-made 3D printer and a laser pianoforte guide.

11.01.2019 15:25
|  Culture

Puppet troupes from Belarus, Estonia, Ukraine present their holiday performances at the festival. A guest from Lithuania will introduce the audience to the theater of one actor.

04.01.2019 15:25
|  Culture

Christmas installations, interior decoration, paintings, dolls, bears, Christmas decorations, Christmas candles are demonstrated at an International Exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art.

04.01.2019 15:18
|  Society

The most popular tourist destinations in the New Year holidays in the Belarusian capital are the Upper Town, Trinity Suburb, and tours of Independence and Winners avenues.

03.01.2019 15:31
|  Economy

Felting factory in Smilovichi plans to release more than 70 thousand pairs of warm and natural felt boots this year. On frosty days, 15 pairs of boots are sold every ten minutes.

02.01.2019 18:10
|  Culture

The exhibition presents fifteen hundred exhibits including paintings and dolls created in different techniques. A competition among the authors of the CIS countries and abroad was held as well.

02.01.2019 15:33
|  Society

In 2018 the number of Minsk dwellers grew by almost 17 thousand. Only in the first hours of the year 8 babies were born in the capital.

20.12.2018 15:30
|  Economy

Forestries of Minsk region have begun harvesting coniferous crops. This year more than 120 tons of pine and spruce cones will be stored.

20.12.2018 15:20
|  Culture

The dance group is one of the most popular professional ensembles of Hungary. Authentic dances along with modern productions and artistic experiments are based on the rich cultural heritage of the country.

20.12.2018 15:17
|  Society

Children master the ancient skill. First belts are created manually. More experienced craftsmen create towels using weaving looms.

20.12.2018 15:10
|  Society

New Year's souvenirs, decorations, confectionery, hot drinks are offered by the trade enterprises of the capital. The fair will last until January 15.

18.12.2018 15:26
|  Society

More and more Minsk hotels receive special certificates for the work with Chinese tourists: China Friendly. Today, almost all hotels are willing to welcome groups from China.

13.12.2018 18:10
|  Culture

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to Belarus Zsolt Csutora announced this at a press conference in the Minsk City Hall.

13.12.2018 15:25
|  Society

Tourists will be able to receive discounts at museums, excursions and a water park when using a special guest card. The guest cards worth 16.

13.12.2018 15:19
|  Society

Six new electric buses have changed their design for the start of the European Games. Until the end of the year there will be 17 more such buses.

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