07.03.2019 18:05
|  Society

Job Shadowing project has started in Minsk. It is dedicated to the International day of solidarity of women. Representatives of business, diplomatic missions and heads of international organizations invited Belarusian girls who are planning to become leaders to blitz internship.

07.03.2019 18:00
|  Society

Seminar IT StartUP Through Women’s Eyes has been held in the business incubator of the High-Tech Park. Speakers shared their experience and professional secrets on such issues as choosing a suitable form of business, attracting investment, protecting copyright and trademark.

06.03.2019 15:03
|  Economy

The factory manufactures blankets and pillows from sheep wool. All materials are of Belarusian production. The use of domestic sheep wool significantly reduces the price of finished products.

04.03.2019 15:27
|  Society

Today Orthodox believers begin celebration of Maslenitsa. It is time for entertainment, refreshments and noisy farewell to winter.

28.02.2019 15:18
|  Economy

This was announced today by Deputy Chairman of Minsk Oblast Executive Committee Nikolai Rogashchuk. The supply of food in the regions of China will increase by half this year.

26.02.2019 15:23
|  Society

100 years ago, the Decree on the opening of the first university in Minsk was adopted. An international scientific conference is dedicated to this historical event in BSU today.

26.02.2019 14:55
|  Economy

More than 90% of tractors are ready to go out into fields. In each farm, the state of the machines is controlled by special commissions.

25.02.2019 15:22
|  Society

One can get a taste of national dishes of the last century and discover unusual recipes in Minsk cafes and restaurants

20.02.2019 15:18
|  Society

Journalists of the prestigious tourist magazine have visited our country. For 5 days, they were traveling to the most famous and picturesque corners of Brest and Minsk regions – to farmsteads and wildlife refuges.

18.02.2019 18:05
|  Culture

Creative team of the Italian island of Sardinia Tenores has devoted its performance in Minsk to prominent architect Giovanni Bernardoni, the author of the architectural appearance of the Nesvizh castle.

18.02.2019 15:02
|  Society

By the II European Games information booths will have been installed on the observation platforms. They will present pictures of tourist attractions of Minsk, their brief description in two languages ​​and a QR code.

14.02.2019 15:00
|  Society

Robots will help sports fans navigate the city of Minsk during the II European Games. A robot in national dress and with a Guest Card in its hands has appeared on Komsomolskaya Street in Minsk.

13.02.2019 15:19
|  Economy

Update of public transport is held in the capital. Almost 200 new buses, equipped with air conditioning, have joined the park.

12.02.2019 15:30
|  Society

The students of the 22nd school of Borisov study in 3D space. Most textbooks are available in a mobile version. The school program is gradually transferred in the virtual format by school principal Petr Kushnyarov.

12.02.2019 15:27
|  Economy

Almost 200 MAZ buses have replenished car parks of the transport enterprises of the capital. These are standard buses, as well as particularly large buses with the capacity of up to two hundred passengers.

08.02.2019 15:27
|  Society

An action for fans of cycling is held in the world today. Despite the winter weather, its participants have to come to work by bicycle.

08.02.2019 14:55
|  Sport

Large figures of Lesik will welcome guests and athletes at the entrances to Minsk. Volumetric figures of the symbol of the European Games will be installed at six sites of the city in spring: one - near the Dinamo stadium and five at the entrances to Minsk.

07.02.2019 18:00
|  Culture

The International Book Fair presents in BelExpo 400 exhibits from 35 countries. Today the book Sport of Highest Standard

06.02.2019 18:05
|  Economy

Today Eurasian Development Bank has signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Belarusian-Chinese industrial park. The international financial institution will join a high-tech project: it is planned to raise about 300 million Euros on the development of infrastructure of the Park.

05.02.2019 15:27
|  Society

At this time, the whole country transforms into a huge festival. For two weeks city streets will be filled with street performers.

05.02.2019 15:24
|  Culture

Different types of art from different parts of Russia, as well as national dances of China, were presented to the audience.

05.02.2019 15:22
|  Society

Young athletes with the knowledge of a foreign language are invited to take part in a festive relay. The Flame of Peace will be lit in Rome on May 3 and will arrive in Belarus on May 11, and then travel around the iconic places of the country.

01.02.2019 15:30
|  Culture

Evening devoted to Robert Burns has been held in Minsk. Thus the anniversary of 260 years since the birth of the Scottish poet was celebrated.

31.01.2019 18:07
|  Culture

A gastrofest in a literary format has been launched in the capital today. For ten days, Minsk cafes and restaurants will be offering their guests dishes based on famous literary works by Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Korotkevich and others.

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