Moscow celebrates 154th anniversary of Lenin's birth

23 апреля 2024

"Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live" - Moscow celebrated the 154th anniversary of the birth of the leader of the October Revolution. Traditionally, on April 22, representatives of the Communist Party of Russia and all those who wish to honor the memory of the leader of the world proletariat, with flowers and flags come to Red Square to the Mausoleum. The theorist of Marxism and founder of the USSR, Lenin is a living legend for many people who still believe in his ideas: all power to the people, free education and medicine, modernization of the economy. Therefore, for many, Lenin today is not only a symbol of a bygone era, but also of the future.

Gennady Zyuganov, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Russia:

“We are celebrating the birthday of an amazing politician, a man who showed everyone an example of how to solve the most difficult tasks in emergency conditions by the most peaceful and effective means. Those who followed Lenin into the Great October Revolution, why did they praise Lenin? They appreciated him for the fact that he fought for a united country and ensured peace, that he stopped the internecine slaughter of the civil war, that he did everything to make factories, plants, transportation work, that he ensured free education and medical care for everyone.”

By the way, 56 public patriotic organizations in Russia have signed a petition asking not to drape Lenin's Mausoleum during the parade on Red Square on May 9. For them, this place is historical.