Sanctioners come to their senses urging for return of Belarusian fertilizers to market

8 мая 2022
The behavior of the Ukrainian ambassador in Germany amazed even the most experienced people. Mr. Melnik called the country's chancellor, Olaf Scholz, an “offended liverwurst” over his refusal to visit Kiev.

These words had an effect of exploded bomb. Dozens of retired officials, as well as numerous parliamentarians, former and current,  were offended for the Fahterland. Only the German establishment remained silent. In any other country, the irritating ambassador would have been declared persona non grata, but, as it turned out, Ukrainians are allowed absolutely everything in modern Germany.

The scandal over the sausage raged for a week: literally everyone had time to be amazed by Melnik's impudence and the German readiness to become a laughing stock. Then the Ukrainian ambassador gives a new interview, in which he actually repeats what he said. "It's not about apologies, it's about the right policy," Melnik said.

Berlin has supplied Kiev with so many weapons in recent months that the Bundeswehr has been left without many types of ammunition and artillery. This begs the question: maybe we don't know something and the FRG is a Ukrainian colony?

Against the backdrop of a crazy sanctions rodeo, the U.N. continues to urge earthlings not to starve. It is clear to everyone that there is no need to perform miracles to solve the problem of global food shortages. It is enough to allow the mechanisms that already exist to work - they are simply deliberately blocked by those very sanctions. However, the UN is not going any further than persuasion.

The other day, Secretary General Guterres stated that there can be no salvation from the threat of famine without the lifting of restrictions on the export of agricultural products from Belarus and Russia. If our fertilizers do not come to the markets in sufficient quantities, hunger in the third world is inevitable.