EU foreign ministers support protests in Georgia

16 мая 2024

Western politics under the guise of democracy or nothing but double standards.

The protests in Georgia were led by the foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. This is nothing but interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. The Western European landing force has made a direct appeal to the Georgian people to go against their government. And the government itself is being openly blackmailed with threats and sanctions.

Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuanian Foreign Minister:

Passing the law will halt Georgia's further progress towards the EU and NATO. If this happens, the responsibility will be squarely placed on the Georgian government. However, it may not be too late, we heard from Mrs. President that she plans to veto the law. That gives the government a way out. Repeal this unwanted piece of legislation together.

Margus Tsahkna, Estonian Foreign Minister:

This law violates human rights and civil liberties and everything the EU stands for. This law is a symbol of your choice between Russia and the EU. This law further distances Georgia from the European path.

Under the guise of democracy and human rights, blatant blackmail and Russophobic threats are being made. The European Union is bound to react to the decision in the most negative way, Western diplomats emphasized.