Construction and reconstruction of all facilities of European Games must be completed on time

7 сентября 2017

By Alexei Martininok: This was stated by the President of Belarus at an enlarged meeting of the National Olympic Committee. About a hundred sportsmen, officials and functionaries are now discussing the organization of this large-scale sports forum. In summer 2019, about 15,000 participants of the European Games will come to Belarus. Competitions will be held in 15 sports. In some of them Olympic licenses will be competed for. According to the forecasts of the government, the cost of the organization will be about 40 million Euros. Today the President discussed problems the organizers face in preparation for the event.

In 2019 organization of the forum should be at the highest level. Many objects are being updated for the global event in Minsk, and a number of new facilities are being built. Now there is a large-scale reconstruction of the Dinamo stadium. In 2019 it will host the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games. There will also be a new dormitory for athletes and trainers in the Student Village, as well as a multi-disciplinary sports hall for game sports.

It is planned that four thousand athletes will arrive in Minsk in June 2019. Most of them will accommodate in the Student Village. At the moment a new 25-story building is being built.

The main competitions will be held on the stadium Dinamo, in Minsk and Chizhovka Arenas. The Palace of Tennis, the new sports complex Uruchie, the Water Sports Palace will also be involved.

The program of the European games will include the most popular sports, including those where Belarus has big chances to win: rowing, gymnastics, basketball 3x3, cycling, different kinds of martial arts and shooting. Several competitions will provide qualification for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.

At the Games in Azerbaijan Belarus won 43 awards and took the seventh place in the medal standings.