Flights near borders of Belarus by its Western neighbors get 2-3 times more frequent

17 апреля 2022
Ukraine has become a one-way destination for many mercenaries. Their NATO handlers do not seem to intend to turn away from their destructive path, either. After all, there is no activity at the Belarusian borders. It is even more like military and psychological pressure.

For example, flights by our western neighbors near our borders have become 2-3 times more frequent. Now the grouping of the North Atlantic Alliance in the neighboring Poland and Baltic states has increased and makes about 20 thousand military men and 5 hundred more units of heavy machinery. Last month the United States intended to redeploy two batteries of Patriot anti-aircraft missile systems to Poland to "counter any potential threats to the United States, allied forces and NATO territory. The machinery has reached its destination. 

In addition, the grouping of the navy of the alliance in the Baltic and the Mediterranean seas has almost a dozen ships. In fact, they are carriers of cruise missiles, which can be used against targets in Belarus and the western regions of Russia, as well as against Russian groups taking part in the special operation in Ukraine. There is a blatant militarization in all directions, not to mention the constant provocations on our borders, which are recorded by the border services. As for Belarus itself, the country does not intend to yield to them and moreover is not going to make groundless claims to the neighboring countries. This was noted by Secretary of State of the Security Council of the country Alexander Volfovich. However, in case of any threats and rude actions, thrown in our direction, we will defend our national interests and give an adequate response.