Belarusian border guards closely monitor movement of NATO troops at borders

14 ноября 2021
You don't need to be an expert to understand: the actions deliberately unleashed near the borders of Belarus have nothing to do with the migration crisis in terms of strength, means and scale.

The other day a U.S. Army reconnaissance aircraft flew along the northwest border of Belarus and the borders of the Kaliningrad Region.  The increased NATO activity has also been noticed in the Black Sea basin. Thousands of troops with tanks are still there. London and Berlin also got more active. The UK decided to send additional forces, and Germany, just as in 1941, drew military equipment within 60 kilometers of Belarus.

According to one version, German troops arrived to reinforce the Polish contingent. According to other estimates, Duda and Moravetsky are seriously considering the possibility of occupying a part of Belarus. The movement of troops is closely monitored by border guards.