Minsk Zoo celebrates its thirty-seventh birthday

10 августа 2021

Minsk Zoo, a home to thousands of animals, celebrated its thirty-seventh birthday. And even the rainy weather helped to create the right atmosphere. Animation program with Neptune and Little Mermaid was prepared for the guests. The zoo inhabitants were also not left without attention. In honor of the holiday they were treated with dainties.

Olga Kolmakova, employee of Minsk Zoo:

The most important thing in the Minsk Zoo is, of course, our inhabitants, our animals. And today we have arranged a demonstration feeding for visitors. In the birthday of the zoo you could see a demonstration feeding of chimpanzees and llamas. Everyone was treated to delicious fruit and watermelons. We pleased our pets.

Maxim and Elizar, visitors to the Minsk Zoo:

A lot of new, interesting things. I particularly liked the deer, which is tame. He let me pet him. There are a lot of fishes  and turtles. Awesome, just super. I liked the turtles the most.

Now the museum of wildlife has over 400 species of exotic and rare fauna. Five permanent exhibitions and the attractions are open.