Scrap metal and human toll in exchange for food - Andrey Sych tried to find out how the West really helps Ukraine

8 мая 2022
The West has created in a united front to help Ukraine. Censorship, the elimination of competitors, and inflation can now be blamed on Ukraine. Politicians emanate the vibes of support and travel to Kiev to raise their poor ratings. Yet, the notorious aid consists mainly in supply of weapons, like it was during all 8 years since the beginning of the civil war. However, food is exported in the opposite direction. And all this happens against the backdrop of a forthcoming international food crisis. Learn more from Andrey Sych.

Scrap metal and human toll in exchange for food - Andrey Sych tried to find out how the West really helps Ukraine 

The West has created in a united front to help Ukraine. And now you can write off anything on Ukraine: censorship, and the elimination of competitors, inflation, and much more. Politicians actively send vibes of support from high tribunes and even travel to Kiev to raise their disgraced rating. Yet, the notorious aid consists mainly in supply of weapons, like it was during all 8 years since the beginning of the civil war.

But food is taken out in the opposite direction. No one thought that military assistance was provided unselfishly. The machine guns do to the East, and grain to the West. And all this happens against the backdrop of a forthcoming international food crisis. Learn more details about the situation from Andrey Sych in his author's feature.

The assistance to Ukraine is comprehensive and unprecedented. The entire collective West joined hands in a dance of humanism and mercy. And columns of humanitarian aid seemed to be on their way to Ukraine. Everything would be fine, but the only thing that Western pacifists are discussing is the volume of arms supplies. Absolutely nothing has changed in recent decades. The Anglo-Saxons are interested in Ukraine solely as an instrument of geopolitical play in the confrontation with Russia and China. At the same time, ordinary Ukrainians are being prepared for starvation under the guise of salvation. How is it done? I am Andrey Sych, this is the "Screenshot" section. Let's find out. 

To begin with, it is important to understand that the bureaucrats of Washington and Brussels are not interested in peaceful Ukraine. These guarantors of the Minsk Agreements have done exactly nothing to resolve the civil war in Ukraine in 8 years. Instead, they supplied weapons, fueling the confrontation.  It becomes clear, why this is happening after the words of the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell. 

This war must be won on the battlefield

When diplomats begin to talk about war as the only way to resolve the issue, there is clearly no need to count on peace. These are the kind of peace doves circling around Mr. Biden  Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi signed a law on lend-lease for Ukraine. 

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives:

We are very proud of this legislation, which will now be sent to the President for signature. Lend-lease was a model of cooperation in the struggle for democracy during World War II, and a model for us how to act now.

Here is a small historical reference from the humanists who have unleashed 201 hot conflicts since the end of the World War II. When it comes to history, there is little mention of an important aspect of lend-lease, which is essentially a debt bondage. Russia, for example, as a legal successor of the USSR, was able to close the debts only on August 21, 2006. In fact, 61 years after. Ukraine is now being driven into the same loan obligations. 

Tomasz Jankowski, political scientist, Poland:

You know, this is not a problem for Europe, they just want to fight with Russia to the last Ukrainian, and if necessary, in the future they will also fight to the last Pole. 

Absolutely everyone who so diligently invested in the coup d'état, i.e. in their language of democratic transformations, is planning to make money in Ukraine. Germany, for example, is already developing a plan to create the so-called grain bridge, the purpose of which is to ensure uninterrupted supply of grain from the territory of Ukraine. 

Michael Theurer, Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany:

 As a railroad worker, I have a responsibility to ensure the delivery of 20 million tons of cereals to prevent a world hunger catastrophe.

As a result, Germany will be provided with Ukrainian bread, but the lucky locals will have to lick the old Javelin. The fact is that most of the weapons supplied to Ukraine are obsolete junk. Berlin, for example, handed over "Gepard" anti-aircraft guns, which had their golden age in the 1970s, and (attention) 100 "Hitler's Saw" machine guns. The little Nazi enthusiasts of Kalinovsky's battalion were hysterically delighted to be in contact with their idols' weapons. 

By exchanging scrap metal for grain, prudent Western bureaucrats ensure food security for their countries in anticipation of a huge increase in food prices and large-scale food shortages around the world. The situation is so critical that the UN Secretary-General called for the return of products from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to the markets. The grain vacuum cleaner, which was launched by the West in Ukraine, puts the country on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe.