Lazorkina: Belarus has always acted as a regional leader

3 февраля 2024

Belarus has always acted as a regional leader and offered peace initiatives aimed at exceptional positivity. This was stated by I analyst Olga Lazorkina in the project "Question Number One".

"We have been a link, a bridge. We are the only country in our region that tried to contain everyone, to find common ground between all forces, between Poland and Russia, between Poland and Belarus, between the Baltic States and Russia. We have always acted as a positive link in the region," said Olga Lazorkina.

In her opinion, the issue of leadership is not important for Belarus. It's important not to declare leadership, but to propose a program of action, and we've always had it: for example, "Helsinki-2.

The expert is convinced: we have no lack of either initiatives or people who could realize them. "Therefore, our leadership in the future, I think, will not be questioned," - said the analyst.