Krupnov on interaction with China: It is important to adopt model for preserving its economic and technological sovereignty

26 мая 2024

Russia supports Belarus in joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. Does it correspond to the interests of the Union State? Yuri Krupnov, Russian politician and public figure, chairman of the public "Development Movement", was asked about it in the program "Main Broadcast".

Interaction with China is a very difficult challenge for the Union State, the expert believes. He explained that by its economic potential with almost one and a half billion people, China can expand into our markets and prevent the development of our machine-building industry and so on. But we will never be able to close down. "The type of cooperation with China that the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus are demonstrating is exactly the search for a model when we find mutually beneficial points of cooperation without economic threats to each other," he stated. - Therefore, China, of course, strengthens us, gives us opportunities that are currently cut off by the Western countries of the European Union, the United States, Japan and the Republic of Korea. And if there were no China, it is difficult to imagine how we could solve a wide range of tasks related to modernization and rearmament of our economies, primarily industry. But we manage to do it".

Yuri Krupnov emphasized that it is important to develop a model for preserving its economic and technological development.