Personnel decisions in education system - Alexander Lukashenko appoints new principals in three universities

17 января 2023

Strong personnel policy, fair treatment of the people, innovations in the educational system and tasks for the local vertical - all these issues were raised during the personnel decisions at the Palace of Independence on January 17.

The head of state gave his consent to the appointment of the principals of Brest Technical University, Vitebsk Medical University, and Grodno Agrarian University. The appointment of the First Deputy Minister of Education and Deputy Minister of Finance was also agreed.

Appointments in education are an occasion to look at the work of the whole system. Quite recently new rules of admission to higher educational institutions have come into force.

Serious advantages are given to those who go into the profession consciously. Bonuses are also provided for winners of Olympiads and target students. It is important to consider a promising specialist, which is why expectations of the oral exam are so high. However, working with people, human resources is an area where the President demands the closest attention. It applies to absolutely all spheres. There should be no abrupt or rash decisions. There are people's fates behind every one of them.

There are three new principals in Belarus. Sergei Kasperovich will head Brest Technical University, Alexei Chukanov will be the principal of Vitebsk Medical University, and Valentin Peshko of Grodno Agricultural University. All three are experienced people from the field of education. They used to work in almost identical positions in other educational institutions.

Today the President also appointed Alexander Bakhanovich the First Deputy Minister of Education.He used to head the department of vocational education in the ministry. He knows all the insides of the latest innovations in the system.