Book heritage of Władysław Syrokomla returned to Belarus

22 января 2020
The book heritage of Władysław Syrokomla,  poet, translator and historian of literature, has returned to Belarus. The poet was born near Bobruisk, studied in Nesvizh and Novogrudok. He worked for the Radziwills. 

Hundreds of publications of Władysław Syrokomla and one lifetime photo belonged to a private collector from Lithuania until recently. Belarus managed to acquire and return the Belarusian poet's book heritage to his homeland. This was made possible through public-private partnerships. 

It is known that each book was evaluated separately. The average price is about 700 Belarusian rubles. The final figure was influenced by many factors. Each copy has certain markings of the owner, stamps, seals. Separately, each unit was examined and a book research conclusion was made. 

The earliest, lifetime editions were absent from the Belarusian funds. That's 20 books. They are of extraordinary value. All copies were previously in the same private collection. Their owner lives in Lithuania. Belarus was returning the literary heritage through an intermediary. Our embassy in the Swiss Confederation was of great help. The official presentation of the Syrokomla books is scheduled for mid February.