Hiding place with old coins of Emperor Nicholas II era second found by builders in Grodno

10 февраля 2016

By Dmitry Smirnov: Coins and three gold rings were hidden in the wall of the house, built in the last century. Historians have already found out the names of the owners of the treasure. For almost 30 years this is the first hiding place in Grodno, which proved to be golden. The price of one of such coins at the auction starts from 6-7 million rubles. In the early 20th century it was a place of the Jewish community. Later, during the 2nd World War, there was a ghetto there. Historians assume that the coins and rings belonged to a Jewish family. By the way, experts believe that other treasures can be hidden on the old streets of Grodno. Most often the treasures are found during construction works. For each found the treasure, which are recognized by historians as cultural value, there is a reward of 25% or even 50% of the amount. Now dozens of old houses are restore and rebuilt in Grodno and it is likely that this is not the last gold discovery.