Belarus boosts supplies of heavy machinery and foodstuffs to Magadan Region

20 мая 2024

Belarus activates supplies of heavy machinery and food products to Magadan Region. This was stated by Minister of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade of Belarus Alexei Bogdanov to journalists, reports BelTA.

"One of the main areas of cooperation with Magadan Region is heavy machinery. We have supplied 43 machines there in 2023. Of them, 20 dump trucks (and they successfully replace Japanese and American analogs), 20 tractors and three MAZ. For 2024 we have planned deliveries of machines, mainly MAZ vehicles, as well as tractors and BELAZs. Today we discussed the creation of a multi-brand service center, which will allow us to comprehensively close all the issues regarding the service of our main machines manufactured by BELAZ, MAZ, MTZ, supplied to the Magadan region. There is a service center, we will negotiate to increase the volume, to create a warehouse of spare parts, which will allow us to quickly provide service. It is in this direction that we will be able to create a serious competition to Chinese partners, who are also present in this market", - said Alexey Bogdanov.

Another important direction is food products. "We have agreed with one of the largest dealers of our goods in the Far East that he will also take on the Magadan region and seriously increase the volume of supplies. Since there is no direct communication, we have to bring all the products to Vladivostok and from there by sea.