Zelensky does not care about talks about his legitimacy

25 мая 2024

Zelensky said that he is not particularly concerned about the talk about his illegitimacy as President of Ukraine. He said this in an interview posted on the YouTube-channel of the Kazakh edition. Moreover, he confessed this in Russian.

Among other things, he recommended to refer to the laws and the Constitution of Ukraine. But he did not specify which articles he was appealing to.

Zelensky's term of office expired on May 20. He was supposed to transfer his rights and duties to the newly elected president. But he did not hold elections. On the one hand, everything is supposedly legal: martial law directly prohibits any election campaigns. On the other hand, the Constitution provides, without any exceptions, that presidential elections should be held in the fifth year of the president's term, but with a caveat: without a new president, the old one continues to work.

No one asks the opinion of Ukrainians themselves. According to the latest polls, Zelensky's rating has fallen to 17%.