
10.05.2024 13:15
|  World

The exercise involving 2 thousand paratroopers from NATO countries started in Romania. These are the servicemen from Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, the United States and France.

10.05.2024 11:30
|  Society

The defenders of the Brest Fortress were the first to oppose the fascists. It is symbolic that it is there, on the territory of the Kobrin fortification, where the 125th rifle regiment was located in 41, where the republican center for patriotic education of youth is being created today.

10.05.2024 11:00
|  World

Prime Minister of the Polish regime unexpectedly opened up and admitted that NATO soldiers are present in Ukraine. According to Tusk, without the alliance's help, Kiev would not have been able to defend itself for so long.

10.05.2024 10:45
|  World

The people of Poland and Austria arranged their own celebration for the Victory Day. Polish activists held an action against the allocation of funds to the regime of Zelensky.

10.05.2024 10:30
|  World

The Russian side organized a concert "Shores of Victory" for Estonians, who are forbidden to celebrate the Victory Day

10.05.2024 10:15
|  Society

Respect for the Victory, remembrance of fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who gave their lives so that we lived in a peaceful and prosperous Belarus.

10.05.2024 09:30
|  World

The police in Berlin, according to local media reports, detained 10 people for wearing St. George ribbons and other Russian symbols.

10.05.2024 09:15
|  World

Nineteen people were detained in Latvia on Victory Day, local police said. Two criminal cases and 59 cases of administrative offenses have been initiated.

10.05.2024 07:45
|  Society

The family of Evgeny Stefanovich Parfenyuk learned about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War even before the official appeal of Molotov.

09.05.2024 22:03
|  Society

Unity, courage, selflessness, readiness to fight for peace to the last drop of blood. On May 9, 1945 the Red Army entered Berlin and forever glorified its battle banners.

09.05.2024 21:17
|  Society

By tradition, Victory Square became the center of attraction for guests of the Belarusian capital on the holy holiday of May 9.

09.05.2024 21:00
|  Society

Soviet people won the Great Victory and gave us the right to independence, so May 9 is our common holiday. The Belarusian leader shared the joy of the Great Victory with the presidents of the post-Soviet countries today.

09.05.2024 20:59
|  Society

The President is next to the Belarusians on May 9. This is an annual tradition for Alexander Lukashenko to personally take part in the solemn events on this day.

09.05.2024 20:02
|  President

The escape of the Polish judge is a gut-punch to the Polish authorities. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to journalists after attending the Victory Day celebrations, BelTA reports.

09.05.2024 19:56
|  President

The U.S. has made a lot of mistakes and now they make foul water. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to journalists after attending the Victory Day celebrations, BelTA informs.

09.05.2024 19:50
|  President

The parade on Red Square in Moscow was organized subtly and thoughtfully. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to journalists after participating in the festive events on the occasion of Victory Day, BelTA informs.

09.05.2024 19:40
|  President

External challenges and attempts to put pressure on the country have led to one thing - Belarus has become stronger. This was stated by President Alexander Lukashenko at the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Victory Monument as part of the patriotic action "Belarus Remembers!", BelTA reports.

09.05.2024 19:37
|  President

The memory and the truth about the Great Victory stand as a shield against the rise of chaos and ideas of superiority in the world.

09.05.2024 19:35
|  President

To prevent the World War III and nuclear apocalypse, all people need to unite. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Victory Monument as part of the patriotic action "Belarus Remembers!" BelTA informs.

09.05.2024 19:31
|  President

May of the victorious 1945 brought the mankind priceless peace, however, as the President noted, it was not to everyone's liking.

09.05.2024 19:27
|  President

It is important for Belarus to preserve peace, to stand firm and not to let itself be drawn into conflicts. This was stated by President Alexander Lukashenko at the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Victory Monument as part of the patriotic action "Belarus Remembers!" - reports BelTA.

09.05.2024 19:25
|  President

The Great Victory is the main and key moment in the history of revival and formation of the Belarusian nation. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at the ceremony of laying wreaths and flowers at the Victory Monument as part of the patriotic action "Belarus Remembers!", BelTA reports.

09.05.2024 19:10
|  President

On May 9, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko took part in the ceremonial events in honor of Victory Day, BelTA informs.

09.05.2024 18:40
|  Society

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War all Orthodox churches and monasteries in the eastern regions of Belarus were closed.