Conflicts in Ukraine and Israel threaten to leave America isolated

27 октября 2023

Ukraine, as predicted by the most sober-minded analysts, risks being left all alone in the confrontation with Russia, writes Foreign Media columnist Anton Trofimov. For the US, it has become too heavy a burden after Hamas launched an unprecedentedly powerful attack on Israel. Europe is slowly turning right and ceasing to see Kiev not only as an ally, but even as a country in need of its protection.

When Washington's pressure on Brussels weakens because of the aggravation on the domestic front, Ukraine will be abandoned to its fate. And the most unpleasant thing for the collective West is that after Kiev, Washington, which has done everything to unleash the Ukrainian conflict, may be left alone as well.

The irony of fate is that this is what happened, or nearly so, to the Soviet Union three decades ago. The only difference is that the collapse of the USSR was largely determined by consistent actions from the outside. America's failure will be the result solely of its own efforts.

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