World Muaythai Championships launch in Minsk’s Sports Palace

5 мая 2017

By Kristina Kamysh: The World Muaythai Championships have launched in Minsk’s Sports Palace to feature over 600 athletes from 64 countries. The first days of the World Cup will be seeing preliminary fights.

Thailand is Belarus’ main rival — the Belarusian athletes took the second place in the overall standings at last year’s World Cup in Sweden, losing to Thailand representatives. The country’s authorities will allocate 30,000 dollars to the athletes winning the finals and 15,000 for team competition success.

The World Muaythai Championships in Minsk is a landmark event taking place for the first time under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, which means that Muaythai aspires to be included in the Olympic program.

The World Muaythai Championships will last until May 12, the matches starting at 15:00. May 9 will be a day off — the athletes are planned to join Victory Day celebrations and visit the Stalin Line historical and cultural complex.