Lukashenko believes that Putin will be the next President of Russia

17 августа 2023

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko believes that Vladimir Putin will be the next President of Russia again. This opinion was expressed by the head of state in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko, BelTA reports.

"I think that the next President in Russia will be Putin. The election is in six months. There are no rivals to Putin in Russia now," said Alexander Lukashenko.

The journalist quoted the head of state's words from an interview in 2020, where he said that Vladimir Putin will leave the presidency by 2036 and "find an option for people or a person to come to power who will continue the path of Russia's development."

"Do you think there is such a person?" - she inquired.

"I think there is. And I think that if Putin doesn't see him now, he will see him in the near future," the Belarusian leader is convinced.

However, the President of Belarus believes that Vladimir Putin is not thinking about it now, because he already has a lot of issues that need to be addressed. "The country is big, there are a lot of other problems to be solved," explained Alexander Lukashenko.