President of Belarus holds talks with leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Moldova

20 июня 2019

Tomorrow we will have a big international event and a real sports festival, which will start at Dinamo stadium with a bright opening ceremony and, of course, hot fights for medals. Today, all roads lead to the Belarusian capital. Minsk becomes the center of attraction not only for athletes from 50 states. We are going to meet and meet in a non-stop mode numerous tourists, journalists, foreign delegations. We are waiting for top sports functionaries, representatives of national Olympic committees and international federations. No wonder they say that sport is a unifying force. And today, VIP planes have landed in Minsk. These are the leaders of the countries that will be guests of the opening ceremony.

Just half an hour ago, the board of the President of Georgia landed at the National Airport Minsk. For Salome Zurabishvili, the first woman president of this country, this is also the first visit to Belarus as head of state. She will attend the opening ceremony of the II European Games. By the way, more than 60 athletes will represent Georgia at the competitions.

A little earlier, the National Airport met the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik. Bosnia and Herzegovina is interested in our experience in agriculture, IT, engineering (especially the production of tractors). By the way, 16 athletes will come to the European Games from Bosnia and Herzegovina (all data is on the official website of the Games).

By the way, the President of Moldova, who was also met today at the Palace of Independence, enjoys chess and heads the national federation for this sport. Igor Dodon arrived in Minsk just at the moment when it became calmer in his country. The equator of the Moldovan crisis has passed. Political forces found a common language. Just recently, a new government began to work. And the main task that Igor Dodon now puts before the Cabinet is to find a balance in foreign policy. Alexander Lukashenko adds: sport is what always unites people. And it’s true that there is no place for politics and hostility in sports arenas, there is a healthy competitive spirit and friendship.

Athletic victories and sports diplomacy sometimes work for the image of states.