President of Belarus predicts disappearance of Ukraine as state if the conflict is not stopped now

17 августа 2023

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko predicts the disappearance of Ukraine as a state if it does not stop the war and sit down at the negotiating table now. He said this in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko, BELTA reports.

"Now Russia will stir you there. Who is fighting here already? Those who you are caught up on the streets and brought there. They're not trained. And a little bit of the military. They can't handle this weapons. Russia has rebuilt itself. Russia has the latest weapons on the front lines today. There are already enough drones. It's a completely different army. And the most dangerous thing is that they have 250,000 volunteer corps. Russia has 250,000, which are now trained and in reserve. The Russians have less at the front now," said President of Belarus.

According to him, Russian troops are "sitting in defense" not because they can't attack. "They don't have to. And you go, you know, like stoned and drunk. You're walking with your arms in front of you, like the Germans are shown in the movies. You go to these barricades, but you don't even reach, we see, the minefields. You're just being wiped out by the thousands. During the counterattack you had 45 thousand men killed and injured. Your losses at the front are one to eight," said Alexander Lukashenko.