Minsk hosts Christmas tournament for 14th time

7 января 2018

Guests of the capital, foreign journalists and the participants of the sports forum regard the traditional Christmas tournament for the Prize of the President of Belarus as the unofficial championship of the planet among hockey fans. Christmas tournament is first of all a truly national holiday, which unites families, friends, former partners in national teams and even countries. This year, at the same time with the Christmas tournament, Chizhovka-Arena hosted the finals of the national competitions among children and teenagers Golden Puck.

Following the results of the four-day ice battles in two quartets, two squads from Minsk fought their way to the Golden Puck finals. The winner is the team led by Dmitry Baskov.

The participants of the Christmas tournament for the Prize of the President of Belarus were Belarus, Switzerland, the UAE, China, Russia, Sweden, the Balkans and the Czech Republic.

The team of the President of Belarus became the 11-time winner of the tournament.