Lukashenko: The war must end, the Europeans are absolutely set on it, but so far they are following commands

17 августа 2023

Western Europe does not want to continue the war in Ukraine, but it is favorable to the United States. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko, BelTA reports.

"Based on all my recent contacts during this year (and they were different), I have to tell you: do not say that the West wants the continuation of the war in Ukraine. Yes, they are still jigging to the tune of the Americans. But Western Europe, the Germans, the French, others, except for the British, of course, who are firmly under America, they do not need this war.

"The war must be ended. The Europeans are absolutely set on it, but so far they are following commands. But they are reluctant to give military equipment anymore," stated the Belarusian leader.

Alexander Lukashenko emphasized that the West can no longer be called "a single collective cement." "They bring these signals to your President Zelensky. Zelensky is very stubborn. Why is he stubborn? Because the main patron from behind him is the United States of America. That is, Europe is already slowly beginning to drift. The public opinion in Europe in the leading countries is very bad about this war. More and more people are speaking out against it.”