Goals of special military operation already accomplished, the future Ukraine will not jig to the tune of Americans - Lukashenko

17 августа 2023

The goals of the Russian special military operation have already been accomplished and future Ukraine will not jig to the tune of the Americans. This opinion was expressed by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko, BelTA informs.

The head of state was asked whether Russian President Vladimir Putin told him under what circumstances he would consider that the goals of the SMO for Russia fulfilled.

"You know, we have not discussed the topic with him in this way, but I dare to express my position. The goals of the SMO have already been fulfilled for today. Ukraine will never behave in such aggressive way towards Russia after the end of this war as it did before the war. Ukraine will be different. First of all, the people in power will be more cautious, intelligent, cunning, if you like, more intelligent people. They will understand that the neighbors are from God, you have to build relations with them," the President said.

"I am sure of it. And the future Ukraine will not jig to the tune of the Americans. I am absolutely convinced that Putin thinks this way too. I think that's how he understands this process. This is a big lesson not only for Ukraine, but for Russia as well. And for us, for the whole world. It is a big lesson. And we are learning lessons from it. And so does Russia," emphasized the Belarusian leader.