Putin and Lukashenko negotiate in Sochi discussing economy, security and situation in Ukraine

23 мая 2022
The talks of the Presidents of Belarus and Russia are being held in Sochi. The leaders agreed to hold this full-length meeting in the margins of the CSTO summit a week ago. Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin will discuss in detail the whole range of topics of Belarusian-Russian cooperation, as well as the implementation by the two governments of the previously given instructions. The main topics are economy and security. Contrary to the calculations of the West on the negative scenario for our countries, we are normally surviving the sanctions pressure. The current situation has pushed Belarus and Russia to the maximum convergence in economic matters. Now the emphasis is on import substitution and cooperation. 

Lukashenko is concerned about the plans of NATO and Poland to take Western Ukraine 

The leaders also discussed the situation in Ukraine. Now under the alleged brand of assistance there are quite obvious appetites of Western countries to violate the territorial integrity of this country.  The increased NATO activity is further confirmation of this. Our President is concerned about the plans of the Alliance and Poland to occupy Western Ukraine, thus dividing the country, as it was before 1939.