US spends huge amounts of money on soft power management

18 сентября 2022
In the 21st century, revolutions are sweeping across the world, either through the hoops of the U.S. or on their own. 

Puppets are placed at the helm, and a lot of effort and money is spent on them. And entire nations, even once proud nations, like enchanted rabbits, deliberately fall into the mouth of the American boa constrictor. Ekaterina Tikhomirova tells how soft power works and what puppet regime has been established in Washington in Europe and the post-Soviet space.

Soft power

In order to enslave peoples and states in modern realities, missiles, tanks and projectiles are not needed. If you can just make you do what you want, think what's best for you, and no hypnosis, entire nations can surrender their sovereignty in a herd frenzy. Soft power - this is what scientific works, institutes and research centers are devoted to. 

The author of the term "soft power" was American political scientist Joseph Nye. He did not invent anything new, but the term itself came from his pen. The concept is that it is not necessary to return to the extermination of Indians in conquest. Plebeians can think as the American master pleases, you just need to set the vector a little bit: the drug of Pepsi, jeans, and democracy. 

Joseph Nye, former US Deputy Secretary of Defense:

“It's the ability to influence others to get what you want. There are three ways to do this: you can threaten people with a stick of coercion, you can pay them — that is, give them some carrot, or you can make them want what you want.”

Convincing others to want what you want.  And with skillful influence, the benefits of "soft power" are no less effective than using military or economic means. 

Joseph Nye, former US Deputy Secretary of Defense:

“The US is spending a fair amount of money on this. The State Department has a Deputy Secretary for Public Diplomacy with a budget that supports people in national capitals and other parts of the country to spread the American culture and ideas. But the biggest source of soft power isn't even what the government does. This is everything — from Hollywood to Harvard — American entertainment.”

The US has trained 65 world leaders since 1917. The UK trained a little less: 57. In other words, the US is a leader in training "senior personnel" for soft power. According to the Global Soft Power Index, 65 world leaders educated in the United States include presidents, prime ministers, kings, and sheikhs. And now the question is: whose interests did their politics serve - the interests of their people or the United States? 

The country in which this elite was educated has always had a great influence on the military and political elite. We should not forget that any minister was first a student, and a general was a cadet first. 

The US has always trained its agents of influence responsibly, and this practice was used for decades, so all these gray-haired politicians have also studied at "Harvards". 

This is the whole forge of personnel for the external management of the country. And here's just a small part. 

Artis Pabriks, Latvian Minister of Defense. From 1992 to 1996, he was trained in Denmark, then in America, and only then returned to his native Latvia. But whose interests was he supposed to protect?

Or Krišjanis Karins, Prime Minister of Latvia, is a US citizen, by the way. He was educated in America.

Mario Draghi is now Italy's former Prime Minister. He studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States.

Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of Poland, studies at the University of Central Connecticut (USA). Plus, he attended Kellogg's Executive Education programs in Northwestern University, USA. 

Today, Moldova is suffocating in the energy crisis. The country has the highest tariffs in all of Eastern Europe. The question is, does it have to go into America’s sanctions race? Is it related to Moldova? In fact, it is! Maia Sandu, President of Moldova. She was educated at Harvard Kennedy School. From 2010 to 2012, she served as an advisor to the World Bank's Executive Director in Washington. 

You can continue for a very long time - this is only a small part of the list. But every time the US declared this or that country a sphere of its interests, Uncle Sam promotes some kind of Saakashvili.

Before riding the Rose Revolution, Mikhail Saakashvili was a student at Columbia University on a scholarship from the US State Department. 

Alexey Navalny studied at Yale University in the United States.  

Juan Guaido, a miscalculation of the American revolution in Venezuela, was trained at George Washington University.

By the way, the complex system of international relations has now made it possible for the US to squeeze even the WTO, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund into a grip. 

James Woolsey, former CIA chief:

⁃ Have we ever interfered in foreign elections?

⁃ Ooh, probably. But this was for a good purpose to prevent the Communists from coming to power. In Europe, for example, in 1947, 1948 and 1949, we, the CIA, were in Greece and Italy.

⁃ But we're not doing this right now? Are we not meddling in others' elections?

⁃ Nuuu, yum-yum-yum-yum.

⁃ Ahahah.

⁃ Only for a very good purpose in the interests of democracy.

The bet on soft power is on an effective information and propaganda strategy, the attractiveness of American culture, education, and political values (about "human rights", "freedom & quot, "tolerance" and "democracy") and the lifestyle of a consumer society are an important attribute of technologies for dismantling political regimes. 

George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States: Freedom kindles a fire in people's minds. It makes them feel powerful and encourages them to strive for progress. And the time will come when this fire will reach every corner of our earth. 

Soft power is not only training high-flying birds, but also consumables for coups, Maidans and new color revolutions,  in other words, creating "controlled" chaos. 

In Libya, the main driving force was foreign mercenaries, in Egypt - religious radicals, in Syria - a combination of both, but in Ukraine it was ultranationalist organizations, and the same Ukrainian methodology was applied in Belarus. 

George Soros had a hand in most of the revolutions that America carried out in the post-Soviet space, or rather, he paid for them. Soros is a sponsor of the US Democratic Party,  and is in close relations with the State Department and the Justice Department.

The billionaire spent millions of dollars on Obama's election campaigns, Hillary Clinton. Biden won 4 times more than Obama's two elections and Clinton's failed election.  $45 million was spent to take Trump down, and this is only according to official data.  Soros has revolutions in the Balkans, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine. 

George Soros, billionaire, American financier, and investor:

"My first project, although the first one was in South Africa, followed by Eastern Europe and the USSR. When the Soviet empire collapsed, I went there and picked up the pieces. In Hungary in 1984, in Poland and China in 1987. Thus, the Soviet empire was replaced by the Soros empire."

TV host: "What are your plans?"

George Soros: "I am currently acting the most active in Russia. We repeat what happened during the collapse of the USSR. But alas, there is a difference. At that time, the Union was exhausted, and Europe was rising and flourishing. Now, on the contrary, Russia is returning and the EU is falling. It's a sad situation. But our foundation has done a great and successful job, especially considering that I'm more focused on Ukraine. And a new Ukraine has appeared, full of aspirations to become part of the EU and a European democracy. And the personalities behind this both in government and in society are almost all connected to the foundation in one way or another. We're all in touch and that's great. A quarter of a century  passed - the work paid off."

Is it a coincidence that the expansion of soft power in the post-Soviet space coincided with NATO's large Eastern expansion? 

The effect of soft power is almost always offset by US hardpower policy. 

As Bush once said, "the US army carries democracy on its wings." 

And when asked what the US army was doing in Iraq, he said: building a new nation. 

The US called the intervention in Yugoslavia a "humanitarian intervention". Believe it or not, many people are still buying. White European colonizers once believed that "barbarians" should be grateful to them for carrying the civilization mission.