Alexander Lukashenko discusses situation at Belarusian border with the security forces

27 сентября 2021
The President gathered the security wing to discuss the defense and security issues. As we can see, the military presence right near our borders is only growing, it is actively demonstrated by Poland and Ukraine, where NATO is now actively training.  At the same time, attempts to discredit our country before the international community continue.

In general, everything is predictable. Of course, we foresaw that the West would not miss an opportunity to do it once again from the UN podium. Our neighbors repeatedly declared that Belarus was the cause of the migration crisis, thus allegedly trying to exert political pressure on the European Union.

However, the West is trying to shift the blame on our country in order to distract attention from its own problems. Having promised asylum and protection to migrants, the EU meets people with simply inhuman conditions: we are talking about beatings, harassment and even deaths.  And our country will not keep quiet about these facts. 

The leadership of Poland declares openly: they need the tanks to reduce the risk of attack on the country. Poland will place 250 Abrams tanks on the border with Belarus.

The current leadership of Ukraine has decided they also need to defend themselves - "there are enemies around". Now there are exercises with participation of the NATO countries. In total, there are 15 states, 11 of which are members of the alliance.  The exercise is going on in the Lvov Region. Everything is beautifully packaged in the innocuous phrase "improvement of defense capabilities and interoperability with the armies of NATO.  In fact, there is a development of a strategic place of arras by the U.S. and NATO forces. 

The reconnaissance drones of our neighbors are circling near the Belarusian border almost every day. Taking into account their constant military build-up, such actions are reasonably worrying.

In addition, the West has been trying to pin the label of instigator of a new round of the migration crisis on our country for a month already. At the regular session of the UN General Assembly, Poland and Lithuania declared that Belarus allegedly wants to put political pressure on the European Union in this way. And these people will tell us about the pressure, literally, kicking out the people whom they themselves promised to protect. This is just super cynicism.  

А. Lukashenko called  the situation with migrants on the border a humanitarian disaster

Last week, five migrants from the Middle East were killed on the European border. Four of them were found dead in the territory of Poland. A woman who was killed during a forced deportation was dragged to the Belarusian territory.  The Polish law enforcers crossed the line of reasonableness. They are ruthless to everyone: it does not matter who is in front of them, be it a woman or a child. 

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, Polish border guards tried to push another group of migrants into the territory of our country. The well-known methods were employed: physical force, dogs - they literally forced the foreigners to cross the border.  All this happened in front of the Belarusian border guards, who prevented the attempted border violation. The Polish law enforcers loaded the group into their service vehicles and drove off. 

Despite the policy of blatant terror against migrants, people continue to hope for the best. Even those who find themselves blocked by the European security forces in the middle of the forest refuse to leave.

Belarus will continue to help refugees stranded at the border

The Belarusian side has repeatedly offered the refugees, stuck at the border, to resettle in normal conditions. But they still want a new life in the European Union. Despite the position of migrants, Belarus cannot remain indifferent to their fate. 

European politicians continually accuse Belarus of a hybrid attack with the help of migrants. However, their words are not supported by any facts or evidence. For several months, however, a video footage of European law enforcement officers driving migrants to the Belarusian border in official vehicles has been collected. In doing so, they are assisting illegal migration and becoming accomplices to the crime. Our country will not keep quiet about these facts.