Russia determined to continue helping Belarus develop nuclear industry and related areas - Putin

24 мая 2024

Russia is determined to further help Belarus develop the nuclear industry and related areas. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin to journalists in Minsk after talks with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA reports.

The head of the Russian Federation considers energy as one of the priority sectors of bilateral cooperation. He reminded that Russia supplies oil and gas to Belarus on preferential terms. And in November 2023, the joint project on the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant, which is currently operating at full capacity, was successfully completed.

"We are certainly determined to further help our Belarusian friends develop their own nuclear industry, as well as strengthen cooperation in related high-tech sectors - digitalization, nuclear medicine, creation of energy storage systems," he said.

Speaking about cooperation in the transport sector, Vladimir Putin announced plans to further increase the transit of Belarusian goods through Russia. To this end, the capacity of transport corridors is being increased, trade and logistics infrastructure is being modernized.