Putin explains why he made one of his first visits to Belarus after Belarus after taking office as President

24 мая 2024

Russian President Vladimir Putin explained why he made one of his first visits to Belarus after assuming the office of President. He said this while speaking to the media in Minsk after talks with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA reports.

"This trip is one of the first foreign visits after assuming the office of the President, after the formation of the government of the Russian Federation. Thus, I would like to emphasize the importance that Russia attaches to fraternal ties with our nearest neighbor, a reliable ally and a truly strategic partner," Vladimir Putin explained.

According to him, the current talks have been very productive. All the key issues of Belarusian-Russian cooperation in the economy, security and defense, cultural and humanitarian dimension have been discussed with the participation of deputy prime ministers and sectoral ministers.

Speaking about the development of the Union State, the President drew attention to the fact that in accordance with the decision of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of January 29, 2024, new promising areas of integration have been defined. The plan of specific measures to further deepen economic cooperation, minimize the damage caused by illegal Western restrictions, technological development and import substitution is at the final stage of agreement