President of Belarus: Negotiations on peace in Ukraine should start without preconditions

17 августа 2023

Negotiations on peace in Ukraine should start without preconditions. This was stated by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in an interview with Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko, BelTA reports.

"Negotiations should start without preconditions. This is classic of any diplomacy. This is my opinion. We should sit down at the negotiating table and discuss everything including Crimea, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Donetsk and Lugansk. Everything should be discussed there. But at the negotiating table. We should sit down, work out an agenda. As it usually happens. A list of issues. We can go back to the issues that were worked out during the earlier rounds of negotiations, three of which were held in Belarus and one in Turkey. Moreover, Russia was ready to discuss all the issues," said the head of state.

"Of course, Russia will never in its life agree to return Crimea. This is not going to happen. I still doubt that something can be agreed upon in the east either. But Russia is ready to talk about any issue. I'm telling you for sure. We are ready to talk and discuss any topic. But you in Ukraine, pushed by the Americans, do not want this yet. You do not realize that there is nothing more valuable than human life. And you kill 1.5 thousand people a day in active hostilities," added Alexander Lukashenko.