Lukashenko advises West not to worry about upcoming CSTO exercises in Belarus

25 августа 2023

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko advises the West not to worry about the upcoming CSTO exercises in Belarus, which will start on September 1. This was stated by the head of state, answering the questions of journalists, BelTA informs.

Answering the question whether the West should consider these exercises as some special signal, Alexander Lukashenko said: "No. Frankly speaking, I haven't even gone into the details of these exercises. But in the current situation, so as not to inflame the situation, there is no such military component there. There will be small units of some CSTO countries, which will be practicing mainly staff issues, tactics and strategy for the future. That's why they all know, we warned them in advance.”

At the same time, the head of state is sure that the relevant subject matter will be used in the West. "Here, Putin and Lukashenko are again plotting something in Belarus and almost preparing an attack on unfortunate Poland... Nothing like that. There is no offensive. We are working out usual issues that have been planned long ago. That's why you and they don't need to worry about it," assured the Belarusian leader.