Lukashenko to Rogozin: We have one Fatherland, and we must work together

14 августа 2023

Scientific experience for the benefit of the Union State. Today Alexander Lukashenko held a meeting with Russian politician, statesman Dmitry Rogozin, primarily known as the former director general of Roscosmos.

Dmitry Rogozin was a deputy, deputy chairman of the State Duma, permanent representative of Russia to NATO, and then deputy chairman of the Russian government. He supervised the military-industrial complex, defense order, nuclear and space rocket industries, and a number of other areas.

"I am ready to make your experience and knowledge useful for the benefit of our common ideas, which we share with you, and for a long time. We have a united Fatherland, and in the name of this we just have to work together. You have many ideas. I know about it. I am ready to use all the potential of Belarus, scientific and practical, which we have, for this purpose. If it will be beneficial for us, for you. And in general for our unity of Belarus and Russia," said the head of state.

In his turn, Dmitry Rogozin pointed out that his business trip to Belarus would be short but productive. He thanked Alexander Lukashenko for the opportunity to meet. "I am here in Minsk on a short working trip. There will be meetings today with representatives of industry of the Republic of Belarus, my old friends.”