Lukashenko: It is necessary to resolutely suppress activities of foreign intelligence services in Belarus

20 мая 2024

One of the items on the working schedule of President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko today was personnel decisions in the state security bodies. This will contribute to the strengthening of our special service," said the President. The KGB is required to resolutely suppress the activities of foreign special services on the territory of the country.

Alexander Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus:

“You know everything that is going on around us as well as I do. The policy of good-neighborliness that we have offered to our neighbors - Poles, Lithuanians and Latvians, given the visa-free space - was responded in the opposite way. In addition to information warfare, we also see an attempt to impose a war of subversive groups on us. We have also noted this recently and are fighting against it. We see that they are preparing various armed groups and almost regiments, as they call them, in order to invade the territory of Belarus. A lot has been said about it. Our state, with your hands and mind, should timely reveal all sorts of attempts and negative tendencies towards our state. It is necessary to suppress, and very resolutely, the activities of foreign intelligence services in Belarus.”

Another task of the special services is to identify and promptly respond to the facts of corrupt activities and possible attempts to cover them up. There should not be such facts in Belarus.