Lukashenko at Security Council: Belarusian economy withstands sanctions

10 апреля 2022
The Belarusian economy is firmly holding the sanctions blow. The situation is not easy: unreasonable pressure and unfair restrictions do not help any country in the world to live, but yet it is manageable nevertheless. This opinion was voiced at the Security Council.

This is not the first year Belarus has to work in conditions of the Western blockade. The main question is how to neutralize the negative impact of sanctions on people and the strategy of the Government in these conditions. The work of the real sector, employment, salaries - there are no critical situations. The fact that the demand for our products in foreign markets is growing is a good thing.

The enterprises having problems will not be left without attention. Our President does not see a huge tragedy in this. He urges people to work at maximum capacity. Mutual support and necessary decisions against the background of sanctions will be discussed at the forthcoming meeting between Lukashenko and Putin.

Although Minsk and Moscow are being hit, the whole world is feverish, as we can see. Fuel prices are rising, there is a shortage of goods on European shelves. The President sees a global confrontation of the world players, the USA and China, behind the current tactics of our opponents.

The fact that a serious geopolitical game is being played was mentioned by Lukashenko more than once several years ago, both at the start of the pandemic and before the elections. Today it is obvious: these words were prophetic.