This is a very strong step towards a multipolar world - Lukashenko on results of BRICS summit

25 августа 2023

At the request of journalists, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko shared his vision of the results of the BRICS summit held in Johannesburg, reports BELTA.

The journalists, in particular, asked whether the hegemony of the West is over due to the increase in the number of BRICS members and plans to further strengthen the structure. The head of state emphasized: "I think that Western hegemony is not over yet. But this is a strong step in this direction."

"There's a lot to think about and reflect on. This is a very strong step towards a multipolar world," the President is convinced.

Belarus was represented at the BRICS summit by Foreign Minister Sergei Aleinik on behalf of the head of state. He held a series of meetings with the heads of foreign delegations attending the event.

Alexander Lukashenko reminded: "I once spoke at the SCO summit and noted that many of the progressive mankind have turned towards the SCO. And we should not be too late, we need to pull up these forces to make this organization powerful, to make this center of power appear."

"BRICS has taken that step. It's great. This is the first step," the President continued. - And then, we will see some units of account and currency emerge. This is what they are most afraid of, especially the Americans, who are in charge. They realize that tomorrow the dollar will be taken away from them and a new currency will appear. And the hegemony will end. "