Patriotic educationб one of cooperation areas of between Brest and Izhevsk

5 сентября 2019

Brest has 37 sister cities in 15 countries. Among themis the capital of  the Udmurt Republic, the city of Izhevsk. 

After several decades, the young Izhevsk residents again at the Brest Fortress. And the cadets of Belarus are in Izhevsk. At a large round table, they discuss how important it is to be friends with cities and what they expect from a visit to Izhevsk. Patriotism is only one facet of friendship between sister cities. Brest and Izhevsk collaborate in education, culture, and develop joint investment projects. For more than three years, the exchange of experience in the field of local government has been stable. Trade and economic relations is one of the main sectors of mutually beneficial cooperation. Today in Izhevsk there is not a single resident who would not know how tasty and healthy Brest products are!

The cooperation agreement between Brest and Izhevsk was signed three years ago. And Izhevsk residents are always happy to see the inhabitants of Belarus in the capital of Udmurtia. And hundreds of thousands of open and kind Izhevsk residents will help develop another area of cooperation between cities - tourism.

All residents of Izhevsk and Udmurtia once again congratulate Brest on its anniversary!