Volfovich: Victory Day is an integral part of the Belarusian people and our historical memory

8 мая 2024

Victory Day is an integral part of the Belarusian people and our historical memory. The younger generation should be educated on such memorable dates.

This opinion was shared with journalists by State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus Alexander Volfovich after a rally on Victory Day in Borisov. The participants of the event gathered at the monument to the legendary tank crew of Lieutenant Pavel Rak to remember all those who fought heroically during the Great Patriotic War and at the cost of their lives brought the victorious May 45. Flowers were laid at the foot of the monument in their memory.

Those who forget history, risk returning to the tragic events of 80 years ago. As, for example, it is happening in our southern neighbor. The so-called "Ukrainian elite" holds the people hostage to its political ambitions, trying to turn history upside down.

Belarus sees the risks and challenges that can turn into real threats to national security. Therefore, the issues of historical memory and patriotism are among our national interests. And we will protect them, emphasized Secretary of State of the Security Council.

Alexander Volfovich, State Secretary of the Security Council of Belarus:

“The people of Ukraine, conscientious, friendly, hardworking, by the will of their politicians, are experiencing today what they should not experience. Most of the Marshals of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Soviet Union were natives of Ukraine.”