Operation for withdrawal of peacekeeping contingent starts in Kazakhstan

13 января 2022

An operation for withdrawal of the peacekeeping contingent has started in Kazakhstan. President Tokayev announced earlier that it should take no more than 10 days. The Defense Ministry of our country has reported that the Belarusian peacekeepers' participation in settling the situation is over. On the eve, the Secretary General of the organization Stanislav Zas addressed the military. He emphasized the professionalism of peacekeepers that helped the whole world see the level of readiness to protect the common security space. A ceremony dedicated to the completion of the CSTO mission took place in Almaty.

Stanislav Zas, CSTO Secretary General:

"The peacekeeping operation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization held in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the request of the country's leadership, is coming to a gradual end. The collective peacekeeping forces of the organization, created through a unanimous decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council, have honorably accomplished the tasks assigned to them."

Today, thanks to the collective coordinated actions of CSTO peacekeepers, the armed forces and law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the situation in the country has stabilized. The country is returning to normal. 

The first four Il-76 transport aircrafts with Russian peacekeepers and equipment have already left the airport of Almaty for the Ivanovo Region.

Tomorrow, 14 more planes will take away the CSTO forces of Belarus, Armenia, and Tajikistan to their permanent bases.