Belarus to enhance prevention of crimes against sexual inviolability of minors

11 октября 2023

One of the main tasks of the Belarusian state is the protection of childhood and family values. The bill on the prevention of crimes against sexual inviolability of minors is aimed at this. The House of Representatives is meeting of the tenth session today.

The agenda includes a dozen and a half issues. In particular, to combat pedophilia they  propose compulsory treatment, the establishment of preventive supervision of persons who have committed crimes until the repayment or removal of the criminal record. The bill will adjust the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and the Criminal Executive Code. Deputies supported the proposed innovations in the first reading.

One of the most expected bills is also the document on responsible treatment of animals. Deputies will consider amendments to the Civil and Air Codes. Also the ratification of a number of agreements and protocols is on the agenda in the Oval Hall